Life with Human Pheromones

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Are you going to ignore what has happened to you and run the risk of making the same mistake again and again? Or are you going to identify the lessons you have to learn and get it right this time? A saying my grandmother taught me – and one that has always stayed with me – is one she told me about life: “Life teaches us lessons, and mistakes are part of life with human pheromones. 
The hope is that you can learn from other people’s mistakes rather than needing to suffer and learn from your own. Either way, as long as you can learn, you can grow.” The fact that you are separated from your partner points to the fact that you are being called to learn from your own mistakes rather than from the mistakes of others. It does make what you are going through more difficult, but it also means that the lessons you learn are going to be stronger and more engrained due to the experience you have had natural pheromone cologne.  Learn more at  and
Now before you are ready to focus on how to create a new relationship with your ex, it is necessary to evaluate your past relationship. For this, I want you to take a few sheets of paper, and make some lists to help guide and gather your thoughts. Good Points in the Relationship What was good about your relationship? What were your patterns of communication like? Did you talk about your day with your partner? Did you talk about any problems you faced?  Pheromones can make your world more exciting. Learn more at 
Did you have a regular sex life? What unique aspects of your sex life with your partner do you enjoy the most? Did you have regular dates, nights out, holidays where you could spend time alone as a couple? When is the last time you had a holiday or weekend away? When is the last time you bought each other flowers or gifts, to make each other feel special? What attracted you to your partner? What qualities do they have that you love? What qualities do they have that you wish you had? How do they make you a better person? What positive ways has your life changed since meeting your partner?  Use pheromones to increase your attraction.
What plans have you made for your future together? Marriage? House? Children? Overseas holiday? What dreams do you have planned for your future together? In what way do you feel the relationship supports and helps you realize your dreams and goals? Room for Improvement What is bad about your relationship? Where do you feel your communication lets you down and creates misunderstanding or mistrust? How often do you disagree to the point where an argument starts? 
When you share problems with your partner, how often do you feel you are being judged for your mistakes or imperfections? Are you happy with the amount of sexual intimacy in your marriage? Where do you feel it could improve? Looking at how in love you were at the beginning of your pheromonal relationship, where do you feel your partner has changed? Where do you feel you have changed?