Avoidance in Pheromones

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Uncertainty avoidance shows how willing a culture is to take a risk. Additionally it’s also a measure of how well uncertainty and ambiguity are tolerated. I call it the control factor because it shows how much a culture tries to control the future. A high control factor means these cultures hold rigid codes of belief and behavior that are intolerant of unusual actions and ideas. Usually these populations are not very multicultural. Risks are avoided and new concepts or ideas are difficult to introduce greater pheromone protection. A fatalistic worldview can be common which leads members of this culture to feel less in control and are thus less likely to make decisions about things unfamiliar to them to more pheromones To warm them up to new ideas takes time backed up with reasons. Learn more at https://jail6letter.wordpress.com/2015/08/28/male-pheromone-cologne-odor/ and http://mpommett79.hatenablog.com/entry/2015/12/06/211213

Pheromone Cultures with a low control factor have a more relaxed attitude when it comes to behavior and ideas outside the norm These countries tend to be younger countries like the United States, have a diverse population, and risks are taken. Boundary pushing is encouraged with more pheromones that matter. In a low control factor culture you need to be flexible and open to new ideas. People in this type of culture see themselves as having greater control over their lives. Decisions are made rapidly and you are expected to catch on to them quickly. Seduction Example: Seduce a woman from a country with a high control factor by calibrating to focus on comfort and how safe she is with you. Whereas seducing a woman from a country with a low control factor focus on the boost you get rom having her see you attracting other women. Long-term Vs. Short-term Pheromones Orientation: Short-term orientation focuses on upholding traditions. These cultures are less likely to save for the fiiture and focus on achieving quick results. Long-term pheromone orientation focuses on changing traditions to fit the times. These cultures are likely to save and invest, are committed to a simpler life, and think results will come with time. Seduction Example: In a sort-term oriented culture you want to provide a more immediate experience. With a long-term oriented culture you want to make sure you do not show off your status or means for more pheromones. Pheromone Indulgence Vs. Restraint: This dimension determines how likely a culture is to indulge or restrain from gratification in the face of the cu1ture’s social norms. Pheromones Seduction Example: The primary difference between indulgence and restraint is how long you can expect your seduction to take. In a culture that practices restraint you have to go through more social constraints and observe more rules of etiquette. Now let’s take a look at a universal joke. Pheromones Universal Joke: The Key to telling a good joke, as far as subject matter is concerned, is universal appeal and common knowledge. Here is a universally funny joke, which has been called “The World’s Funniest Joke” based on research done by Richard Wisernan. Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. Learn more at http://pomm79.moonfruit.com/blog/4588864419/Pheromone-Analyses/10087903

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